

Strawberry and Amazake Granita

Items used | φ176 open fire rim bowl

Strawberry and Amazake Granita

Items used | φ176 open fire rim bowl


Lamb and Watercress Rice

Items used | φ250 Open Fire Pot

Lamb and Watercress Rice

Items used | φ250 Open Fire Pot


Tomato and Yuzu Pepper Salad

Items used | φ 176 open fire rim bowl

Tomato and Yuzu Pepper Salad

Items used | φ 176 open fire rim bowl


How to cook rice

Items used | φ250 open fire pot

How to cook rice

Items used | φ250 open fire pot

インスタントガストロノミー|南禅寺HARADAさん  Vol.2

Instant Gastronomy | Nanzenji HARADA Vol.2

Special Recipe | The first dashi stock pot

Instant Gastronomy | Nanzenji HARADA Vol.2

Special Recipe | The first dashi stock pot

インスタントガストロノミー|南禅寺HARADAさん  Vol.1

Instant Gastronomy | Nanzenji HARADA Vol.1

Special Recipe | First dashi (broth) / Second dashi (broth)

Instant Gastronomy | Nanzenji HARADA Vol.1

Special Recipe | First dashi (broth) / Second dashi (broth)